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  • Impressum | Hand in Hand e. V.Impressum

    Impressum Hand in Hand e.V. Schäferstrasse 19 06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Phone: +49 175 - 6238134 Mail: Account details Deutsche Kreditbank AG IBAN: DE17 1203 0000 1020 2273 00 BIC: BYLADEM 1001 Chairman Kerstin Gebhardt Schäferstr. 19 D-06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Phone: +49 175- 6238134 Registration court: Stendal Registration number: VR 3902 Tax number: 116/142/03538 Certificate of non-profit status was issued on October 7, 2014 by the Tax office Bitterfeld-Wolfen. Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV and responsible in terms of press law § 10 paragraph 3 MDSt is the board. Disclaimer Those responsible for the association compile the content of this website with great care and ensure that it is updated regularly. However, the information is only intended as non-binding general information and does not replace detailed individual advice. The board of directors assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information on these pages or for uninterrupted access at all times. If we refer to third-party websites (links), the board of directors assumes no responsibility for the content of the linked sites. By clicking on the link you leave the information offer of the board of directors. Therefore, different regulations may apply to the offers of third parties, in particular with regard to data protection. Furthermore, the board of directors excludes its liability for services, especially when downloading files made available by the association on the website, for slightly negligent breaches of duty, provided these do not affect essential contractual obligations or life, health or body or claims under the Product Liability Act are affected . The same applies to breaches of duty by our vicarious agents.

  • Statute | Hand in Hand e. V.Statute

    Statute § 1 Name, registered office, financial year The association bears the name: Hand in Hand It is to be entered in the register of associations and then bears the addition "e.V". It is based in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. The financial year is the calendar year. § 2 Goals and tasks of the association The purpose of the association is to support and promote self-help projects for people in Africa within the framework of development cooperation. The purpose of the association is to be achieved in particular by: Promotion of agricultural self-sufficiency, preferably of the rural population in Africa (hereinafter referred to as residents) through the cultivation of food and crops Training of the inhabitants in the cultivation and processing of local crops in agricultural schools and field test sites to be set up near the village with the aim of rapid personal responsibility (help for self-help) and independence from foreign aid programs Help with the purchase or provision and installation of technical aids, e.g. wells and irrigation systems, solitary solar systems, mechanical work equipment and small agricultural machines - the latter primarily for the decentralized use of the statutory purpose and insofar as it serves sustainable self-operation by the residents; a permanent dependency on external technical support is to be avoided Supporting the residents in obtaining funds for the purchase of fields or the above-mentioned technical aids, which are not allocated by the association Agricultural activity should be carried out in harmony with the natural fauna and flora, without causing environmental destruction or pollution After completion of the training, the residents should be supported by free advice in accordance with the statutes Material support for hospitals and orphanages as well as schools and students. § 3 tax privilege The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code. The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. In their capacity as members, the members do not receive any benefits from the funds of the association. When they leave, they have no claims whatsoever to the association's assets. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purposes of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration. If a member of the association has expenses that were necessary to fulfill the statutory purposes, then this is a claim for reimbursement of expenses. After submitting all documents, a member of the association can receive a donation receipt from the association for statutory expenses, in the event of waiver of reimbursement of expenses to the association Hand in Hand eV, which is based on an expense donation by the member according to § 10 b paragraph 3 sentence 5 and 6 EStG. § 4 Membership All natural and legal persons who support the goals of the association can become members. Membership in the association is acquired by means of a written application addressed to the board of directors. Acceptance is decided upon by the board. In the event of a refusal by the Executive Board, the Executive Board is not obliged to state the reasons. The resignation of a member takes place by means of a written declaration to the board and is possible with a notice period of three months to the end of the financial year. A member can be expelled by resolution of the Board of Directors if it acts contrary to the association's goals or does not meet its obligations to the association. Before the expulsion, the member is to be heard. Membership ends when the association resigns, is excluded, dies or is deleted from the register of associations. § 5 Membership Fee Die Mitgliederversammlung erlässt eine Beitragsordnung, welche die Höhe der jährlich zu zahlenden_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ § 6 Bodies of the association The organs of the association are: General Assembly Board of directors. § 7 General Assembly The supreme body is the General Assembly. It is usually headed by the CEO. The General Assembly draws up the guidelines for the work of the association and decides on questions of fundamental importance. The tasks of the General Assembly include in particular: Election and deselection of the board Advice on the status and planning of the work Approval of the financial plan presented by the Executive Board Resolution on the annual accounts Receipt of the annual report of the board of directors Resolution on the discharge of the board Adoption of the contribution regulations, which are not part of the statutes Resolution on the assumption of new tasks or the withdrawal from tasks on the part of the association Resolution on changes to the statutes and the dissolution of the association _cc781905-14d_bb3b-316 The Chairman of the Board of Management issues a written invitation to the General Assembly at least four weeks in advance, stating the provisional agenda. It meets as often as necessary, usually once a year. An extraordinary general meeting takes place if at least 25% of the members request it, stating reasons. It must meet no later than five weeks after receipt of the application for a written appeal. The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present. Their resolutions are passed with a simple majority of votes. In exceptional cases, members who are absent can cast their votes on the draft resolutions in writing. A record is to be made of the resolutions and, insofar as it is necessary to understand how they came about, also of the essential course of the negotiation. It is signed by the chairman of the meeting and the minute taker. § 8 Board of Directors The board consists of the chairman, the deputy chairman and a third board member. They form the executive board in the sense of § 26 BGB. The board members work on a voluntary basis. The chairman of the board is authorized to represent the association alone. The deputy chairman of the board and the third member of the board are authorized to represent the association alone, whereby their authorization to represent contracts with third parties is limited to amounts of €2000 in individual cases. The restriction can be lifted in individual cases by resolution of the board of directors. The resolutions are to be recorded in writing and signed by the Chairman of the Management Board. § 9 Amendments to the Articles of Association and Dissolution The General Assembly decides on changes to the Articles of Association, the change in the purpose of the association and the dissolution. Proposals for changes to the statutes, changes in purpose and dissolution must be sent to the members entitled to vote no later than one month before the meeting of the general assembly. A majority of three quarters of the voters present is required for the resolution. Changes or additions to the statutes, which are prescribed by the competent register authority or the tax office, are implemented by the board and do not require a resolution by the general meeting. They are to be communicated to the members at the latest with the next invitation to the general assembly. In the event of dissolution, the deprivation of legal capacity of the association or the cessation of tax-privileged purposes, the entire property falls to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation, with the condition that it be used in accordance with its previous goals in accordance with § 2 in Africa . If such a use is objectively not possible, the general meeting can decide on another charitable purpose for an African aid project. §10 Liability The club is exclusively liable with its assets. A personal liability, also the Vorstandsmitglieder, wird ausgeschlossen, es sei denn, dass grobe Fahrlässigkeit oder Vorsatz present. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d. Bitterfeld-Wolfen, April 14, 2018

  • Association | Hand in Hand e. V.Association

    We introduce ourselves Hand in Hand e.V. was founded in 2014 and since then has successfully completed numerous agricultural projects. Giving local people a perspective and the opportunity to improve their livelihood by growing fruit and vegetables is our main focus. There is nothing worse than suffering from hunger and thirst. Through many statistics we know how many people die from malnutrition. We want with her Support provide access to clean water to more families and villages. For us, water is as normal as the air we breathe, but a rare commodity in many parts of the world. Our work in Germany and the stays in the country are financed by our members themselves, so that 100% of membership fees and donations benefit the projects in Africa. We are an association that die Support and the promotion of self-help projects for people in Africa. In the projects, the focus is in particular on sustainability and the fastest possible transfer of responsibility to the local actors. Our team This is your team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team. Chairman Kerstin Gebhardt Local Manager Pa Malang Saidy Deputy chairman KerstinTenschert-Fuge Farm for Change Association (FFCA)

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