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About our project work



Our association was founded on June 1st, 2014 and since then has been working hand in hand with the local people, looking for solutions and opportunities to implement agricultural projects. Helping people to help themselves always comes first in anything we do. We are regularly visiting The Gambia and have initiated and successfully implemented numerous projects.


Since 2018 we have been working with the Gambian partner association "Farmers for Change Association" (FFCA). With our guidance and support, FFCA was able to advance the upcoming organization and planning of the projects on site. There is still a lot to learn about the billing and bookkeeping of the projects, but they are on the right track. This requires, our steady committment to help, time and explanation of the importance of these processes..

By promoting agricultural self-sufficiency, we want to show people a perspective and a way forward. We see it as our task to show the population, especially the young people in the less touristy areas, a chance for a better life in Gambia and thus contain the causes of flight. We are also fighting for this here in Germany.

Through various photo exhibitions and information evenings, we point out the conditions and plight of the people in the Gambia. The many successes of our work are also presented at these events. The women's gardens are more important than ever, especially with the immense price increases on all essential products.

The basic requirements for a garden are the same for all projects. A borehole or well with associated pump, solar panels, a water tower, water basins, pipes to the water basins and a fence are required.

The costs are not affordable for the residents, so we take it on as an association and finally hand over the project to the village. 

An island turns green, Jinack Island

Jinack Island_edited.jpg

Our current project is located on Jinack Island. In February 2024 we gave our OK, in March the area was fenced in and in April the first water (30 m) came out of the borehole. All further work is planned until the end of 2024.

But for that we need your support.

Frauengarten in Kitty
Completed Projects
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